Flying cars have always been something we
would like to see in our lifetime, but…for now, we’ll have to settle for some
really cool, helpful, innovations. Cars
have gone a long way since the Ford Model-T and in today’s blog we discuss some
of the most influential technologies to date.
Fold-flat rear seats – Honda’s foldaway
seats in the late 1990’s took the concept of space saving to another
level. Seats that tuck out of the way
are much easier to deal with than those that have to be removed.
Electronic Stability Systems – introduced
by luxury manufacturers BMW and Mercedes-Benz in 1995, this computerized system
applies the car’s brakes or cuts the throttle to keep the car going where you
want it. This maintains car stability,
working within the car’s limitations.
DVD Players – In 2002 Honda and Saturn
introduced the DVD player, children in the backseat of minivans rejoiced. Innovation?
Very much so. DVD players were
shrunk and fitted into vehicles, providing a smooth comfortable ride, minus the
bickering siblings in the background.
Do you have any innovations you would like
to add to the list? There are countless
other options available, add yours now!